The long-running refurbishment of the Boating Pond is nearing completion. Whilst it has been filled by rainwater in recent weeks, the pond is actually fed by a submersible pump which draws water from a natural aquifer about 200ft below ground; an electrically powered pump is used to draw water up from a natural body of water under the park and into the boating pond. Regular filling and emptying of the Boating Pond water ensures the water does not stagnate and become polluted.
A small amount of work is needed to finalise the pump control unit after which the pond will be drained into the lower lakes. Once empty, the base will then be swept, debris removed and any remedial works needed to repair the pond wall and base. After this the pond will be refilled and any ancillary works – fencing, landscaping etc will be undertaken and the job completed.
Whilst we expect all works should be finished by the end of May, we have learned not to depend too much on deadlines as earlier ones have been missed - but we live in hope!