18 October 2017
2017 photo competition results announced
At their Open Meeting on 16th October the Friends of Broomfield Park presented prizes to winners of the 2017 Photo Competition.
The winning photographs were selected by inviting visitors to Broomfield Conservatory to vote for the favourite photos out of a shortlist of twelve entries on display. Members of the FoBP committee whittled down the 141 entries submitted this year to create the shortlist.
The winning photograph in the Adult category was submitted by Phil Mariutto, who was unfortunately unable to attend the prizegiving.
Phil Mariutto won first prize for this photograph (click on photo to enlarge)
The winner of the under 16s category was at the meeting to receive her prize. Edith Mullen, aged 9, entered a photograph of a bee collecting pollen.
Photograph by Edith Mullen aged 9
Prize-winning photograph by Edith Mullen aged 9 (click on photo to enlarge)
The second prize in the adult category went to Caroline Stone, who also submitted the third most popular entry.
Second prize photograph by Caroline Stone
Second prize photograph by Caroline Stone (click on photo to enlarge)
Third prize photo by Caroline Stone
Another photograph by Caroline Stone came third in the adult category
(click on photo to enlarge)
You can see printouts of the twelve shortlisted photographs in Broomfield Conservatory for the next couple of weeks and all 141 entries on the Friends of Broomfield Park photo gallery.
Winners of the 2016 Photo Competition
The winner in the Adult category was Munise Cebesi for entry No 47
Photograph by Munise Cebeci
The winner in the Under 16 category was Alize Akturk for a photograph entitled Perspective
Perspective by Alize Akturk
Runners up in the adult category were David Sumeray (entry No 13) and Sandra Roberts (entry No 29.
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition or who cast their vote for the best photographs.
You can see a slide show of all the entries in our Photo Competition 2016 Gallery.
Winners of the 2015 Photo Competition
The winner in the Adult category was Stephen Iliffe for his photograph entitled Broomfield Park Wildflower Meadow
Broomfield Wildflower Meadow by Stephen Iliffe
The winner in the Under 16 category was Daniel Small for his entry entitled Pigeons
Pigeons by Daniel Small
Congratulations to the winners and thanks to everyone who entered the competition or who cast their vote for the best photographs.
You can see a slide show of all the entries in our Photo Competition 2015 Gallery.