The Council's contractor, Kensons, will be taking possession of the site on the 24th August. The contract period is 15 weeks
Access for their vehicles will be through a new gated entrance further up Aldermans Hill beyond the orchard. The lorries will cross the field to the back of the courts and access to the courts will be from the west and south sides.
There will be some disruption to park users where lorries will cross the footpath that is parallel to Aldermans Hill, but this will be managed with the use of temporary barriers and banksmen on those occasions when a vehicle has to cross the footpath.
The Council's Parks Arboriculturalist (Christopher Langdown) has confirmed that there will only be minor pruning of trees around the courts and that this will be limited to pruning branches that overhang the fencing to the courts and in the case of one lime tree on the south side of the courts to also raising it's crown.
The duct for the new power supply to light the footpath and to floodlight the courts will run from the pedestrian gate on Aldermans Hill to a point near the Palmers Greenery Community Cafe. Within defined 'tree protection zones' any excavation will have to be done by hand as required by the LBE Arboriculturalist. These works will be done later in the construction programme.
The whips in the area by the new gated vehicle access will be dug up by the contractor and planted in our temporary tree nursery in the Orchard.