Update on the Boating Pond - a brief summary from the perspective of the FoBP:
Before Xmas the drain pipe from pond to upper lake and the supply pipe from the Clubhouse gate to the pond had been replaced.
Further investigation revealed that the fresh water supply pipe from borehole to the clubhouse gate is not clear and will probably need a full new pipe run (trench).
The borehole pump is not functioning in terms of drawing water and the condition of the borehole pipe is unknown. It requires opening of the borehole cap and an assessment of condition - a heavy lifting job (crane).
The condition of the pond walls and base need assessment and posible repair, this includes the outlets and outlet valve.
This is looking like a major funding project first to carry out a full assessment and then to complete works needed.
Before Xmas david March and I met with Marcus Harvey (Head of Parks Enfield Council) and Graham Cambell (Waterways Engineer Enfield Council). Marcus told us then that he would discuss the project with Doug Wilkinson (Head of Environment Enfield Council). At the Friends of Parks ACM Marcus told me that he had met with the senior members of the Place Directorate of the council and was due to have further meetings to determine what might be done.
I have contacted Graham Campbell and Marcus Harvey with a view to applying for a £60,000 grant through the Enfield Neighbourhood Fund and am currently working with Graham on this. The application requires quite detailed costings which we hope to get in time but it may be that we will have to go for the second phase of applications. Overall costs are likely to exceed this considerably and so other fundraising would be required even if the appplication were successful and we would plan to take an active role in this to support the council.
This week I have accompanied groups of surveyors/engineers to the 'buried' sites (borehole and pipeline manholes) from two different contractors and will wait to hear from Graham the outcome of their assessments.
I have been told that the terminology we have been using is incorrect, it is not an Artesian Well but a Borehole that gives the fresh water supply.
It is clear that alternative water supplies are not suitable - we saw a rapid development of potentially toxic red algae this year after partial filling with rain water and overflow.
Other permissive bodies play an important role - water quality (highrecreational standards would be required for this amenity) and the Environment Agency who have responsibility for maintaining the water table for freshwater supplies. (we would of course claim 'grandfather rights' over maintaining an existing water supply - the FoBP are particularly well supplied with these - grandfathers!).