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Information for Members

The Friends of Broomfield Park committee has been reviewing the way we are organised to ensure we operate in the most effective way.

As we work across a more complex range of activities and events  and organise large and complex public events, we need to adopt a legal structure to reflect this.

Moving from our current status to a recognised structure could assist in accessing grants and donations.Therefore, after researching the background, the committee is proposing that the organisation should become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO)

The change of organisational structure would provide us with a formal legal status; establish the organisation within a charitable framework and provides legitimacy for grants and donations,

some of which we are unable to access currently


The decision will be considered at our next Annual General Meeting in the autumn. In advance, a downloadable document - setting out the options is available below.

picture of tree blossom forms cover of downloadable document about legal status
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