Restoration of the Boating Pond - update
The work begins!
Here is an update from volunteer Andrew Polycarpou about progress on the works to the restore Broomfield’s Boating Pond.
The images show an excavator forming the area where the crane mat will be. The crane mat allows for a 40 tonne crane to stand and remove the existing pump. Also, the image shows an access road taking form that allows the crane to traverse from Alderman’s Hill to the crane mat location.
Highlights so far:
- Create access road and mat for crane
- Tree surgery complete to Aldermans Hill
- New Secure Metal Gate installed to Aldermans Claire Hill
- Excavation for access road and crane mat complete
- Sub-structure test successfully performed
Next steps:
- Create access road and mat for crane
- Repair drainage & manhole
- Start concrete repairs to boating pond
dfmarch66 • July 16, 2023