The recent Annual General Meeting of the Friends of Broomfield Park saw the publication of our Annual Report - which is available to download from our website - the meeting also elected the new members of the Committee who will lead the work of the organisation over the forthcoming year.
It has been another busy year in Broomfield Park with an enormous range of events activities and volunteer effort all contributing to the fun and enjoyment in our glorious park.
This year has seen some longer-running projects nearing their conclusion – such as the Boating Pond restoration and conservatory refurbishment - as well other projects starting, including the long-awaited development of Broomfield House. As well as specific projects, the ongoing work to maintain and improve the long border in the walled garden, the wildlife habitats, the conservatory and the wetlands continues through the incredible work of our wonderful volunteers. The recognition of this work with five Enfield in Bloom Awards demonstrates the quality and range of our volunteers’ contribution.
We were reminded how Broomfield Park is much-loved by its local community at the recent Palmers Green Festival – the biggest community event in the borough of Enfield – over 7,000 people attended the event and many conversations with visitors to the Friends of Broomfield Park stall were very complimentary about the park and its central role in our community. This report sets out the work we have completed over the last year and identifies some plans for the future.
We would welcome new members to join The Friends of Broomfield Park, get involved in the committee directing the work of the organisation and volunteering in the park.